Strictly Business: Hooded Pleasures, Book 1 Page 17
A few minutes later, Danielle arched an eyebrow as he tapped in the final amount, adding a tip. “You’re very generous. Thank you.”
He smiled. It wasn’t faked; she’d know the difference.
“You deserved it. Thank you for visiting.”
It was the truth. She was an excellent Domme.
But she wasn’t his Domme.
Not the woman he wanted in and out of the bedroom.
Danielle looked at her phone then back at Alex, her lips wavering on the edge of a frown. “Are you—” She licked her lips and he saw the confusion before a steel wall shuttered down, cutting him off.
The aftercare had opened him up to her and she knew what he was thinking.
He winced inside knowing she’d guessed the truth.
Danielle twisted her mouth into a smile. “Take care, Alex. Good luck. You’re a wonderful submissive—you’re going to make some woman a happy, happy Domme.”
Alex nodded before escorting her to the door.
They both understood there wouldn’t be any more visits.
He felt both delighted and deflated at the realization.
Alex stood at the window and watched her leave.
Time to make another phone call.
Maybe his last.
“I’m sorry; we don’t know when Kate will be back.” The honeyed voice stroked his ear. “Didn’t Danielle meet your needs?”
“Yes. And no.” Alex cleared his throat. “I’d like Kate’s direct number, please.”
“I’m sorry, but it’s not possible,” she cooed.
Alex shifted to his business voice, the one that didn’t put up with any crap from people who should know better. “It is possible. I’m sure you have it on file.”
“We do. But we don’t give it out to clients.” The operator’s recovery was quick and sharp, matching Alex’s attitude. “Security protocol. You understand.”
Alex shifted gears. “I understand you have to protect your people from any possible problems. How about the other way around—can you ask her to call me?”
“Ah—” The smoothness vanished from her voice. “I guess I can do that.”
Alex allowed himself a smile.
There’s always another way to get what you want.
“Please do. Tell her I’d like to hear how she’s doing and if I can help in any way.”
“I’ll pass the message on to her. Thank you for your call.” The line went silent before he could reply.
Alex stared at the cell phone, mentally willing the receptionist to pass his message on.
It wasn’t a sure thing. The odds were good she’d toss his request in the garbage. He couldn’t be the first or last to try to track down one of Hooded Pleasures’ employees. They’d have a system set up to keep them safe and secure, keep their identities as secret as possible in case of any issues.
Alex couldn’t blame them.
He’d do the same in their place. Because no matter how much checking you did, there was always the chance of the wrong person becoming a customer and then an ex-customer. Someone who wouldn’t take “no” for an answer.
He understood. Didn’t like it, didn’t have to like it, but he understood why the company did what they did.
Alex knew he could find her if he put his mind to it. He’d seen her play, and it wouldn’t be hard to go into the online world and ask around about the Amazonian ogre. It’d take some time, but he could locate her persona, and a few more steps would have her personal information at his fingertips.
But where would he go from there? Show up at her door, demand answers? How would he even start to talk to her about his emotions, his feelings for her?
Not to mention if Kate got wind he was searching for her she might disappear or worse, call the law on his ass. The last thing he needed for his reputation was to have “accused stalker” on his resume. Even the hint of it could be enough to destroy his business contacts depending on how much leaked out. If the BDSM angle escaped—
It wouldn’t destroy his business, but it sure would put a few dents in it. Especially if the stalker angle came out and went viral.
Besides, he had a much more important problem to try to figure out.
He had no idea how to begin that transition, shift from a paid relationship to a personal one, remove the wall between them and let them come together as a man and a woman, as a submissive and his Domme.
All he knew was he couldn’t stand the situation as it stood. He’d never accept another visit from Hooded Pleasures unless it was Kate, and she didn’t want to see him at this point.
But he couldn’t just sit around and do nothing.
He’d made the first step leaving the message for Kate. It was on her now, the power staying in Kate’s firm grip.
She didn’t have to call him back. She didn’t have to see him ever again.
His heart skipped a beat.
What would he do if she never called back?
He hefted the cell phone in his hand and wondered about canceling the contract, terminating any official ties they had on each other.
It’d be a start. A signal to her he wasn’t going to settle for anyone else, that he truly belonged to her even if she didn’t know it yet. That few minutes on the floor, those few minutes—
He licked his lips, remembering the taste of her.
She didn’t fake any of that.
It was as legit as it came. Her responses, her eagerness, her hot, addictive kisses…
That was the Kate he wanted to know. The woman he wanted to love, to protect and serve.
So he had to cancel the contract.
But if he did it before hearing from her he might close off his only way to communicate with her. After he dropped the company, they sure as hell wouldn’t pass on any messages.
And he’d likely never see her again.
A hollow ache started in his gut at the idea, of never feeling her touch, be it gentle or harsh.
There had to be another option.
He just couldn’t think of one yet.
He had to wait.
Alex sighed.
Patience had never been one of his strong points. Kate had remarked on it more than once.
Now patience seemed very important indeed.
Kate couldn’t put it off any longer.
She studied the calendar hanging on the refrigerator door. It was there, marked in red and circled with a thick line.
Her “night out” with Ann.
She’d done some research on the charity event and found it was more popular than she’d thought, various news outlets bleating about the event and advertising the amount of money raised for Alzheimer’s research and the number of notable people attending. It’d never appeared on her radar before, but supposedly the gala had been going on for years with more and more donations every time.
As she surveyed the clothing in her closet, Kate was torn between being grateful for something to occupy her time and being annoyed at having to leave her living room.
The pizza place had her regular order memorized. All she had to do was call and confirm.
It wasn’t necessarily a Good Thing.
The worst thing was she still hadn’t made up her mind about Alex.
Tracy had called to let her know he’d had two sessions with Danielle, and from the Domme’s personal report, he wasn’t likely to ask for any more sessions. He hadn’t canceled his contract, but the fact he hadn’t asked for another Domme didn’t bode well. They’d call later that week for a follow-up to see if Danielle’s feelings held true, that this substitution wasn’t working out. After that, they’d see what he wanted to do, accept another Domme or terminate his arrangement with Hooded Pleasures.
Alex had called the switchboard, but not about Danielle. He’d asked about Kate, tried to get her phon
e number. Tracy had exhibited her usual efficiency, putting him off.
Failing at getting her home number, Alex had asked for a message to be passed on.
Tracy did, letting Kate draw her own conclusions.
She focused on getting dressed, tamping down the questions swamping her mind.
What would he do now that he’d turned down Danielle?
Would he cancel his contract?
Would he try to seek her out? After seeing him in action, Kate had no doubt that he could find where she lived with little effort. He could easily access her character info from the online game and work it backward, find her personal information.
Turn up at her front door with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates.
If he did—what would she do?
She wasn’t sure how she felt about the possible answers to those questions.
An hour later, Kate stood outside her condominium, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. The shoes weren’t the problem; her nerves were.
She hated going to public events, be they parties, graduations or charity affairs. There was something about so many people in one place, most of them there for the wrong reasons.
Networking, scouting for prospective mates, one-night stands without any luggage… She guessed there were few people at these events actually there for the cause, be it celebrating some epic achievement or chasing a cure for a horrible disease. There were definitely the good sort, the type who loved to give to charity and worked tirelessly to make other lives better.
But they usually didn’t show up to wave for the cameras.
The majority of the people attending, in her opinion, were there to see and be seen to get into the society papers.
That world wasn’t hers. And she felt nervous being around those people who did make it their life and looked down on everyone else.
The classic “think of them in their underwear” theory to keep calm didn’t work for her. It was easier to shift to seeing them in various states of bondage, especially the men.
And that was wrong on so many levels.
Fortunately, she wasn’t going to have to travel far to get to the evening’s entertainment.
The charity event was at one of the major downtown hotels, the Hewitt. Kate had been there once or twice for their renowned afternoon teas and remembered it as a lovely place.
It didn’t help the butterflies in her stomach as Ann rolled up to the curb in her car and waved her over.
The short black dress was Kate’s favorite outfit for such occasions. It was a perfect chameleon; add some fancy jewelry, and it’d dress up nice for a semiformal outing. Neutral enough to blend in with the crowd and let her slide through the evening without drawing any attention to herself.
Ann wore a lovely light blue dress, tight in all the right places and yet professional enough to make it clear she wasn’t advertising for company. Kate envied her for her fashion sense.
“You ready for a fun night out?” Ann laughed as Kate fastened her seat belt.
“Sure am. Did Eric go off to his happy hunting grounds?” Kate tried not to wince as Ann peeled away from the curb and bounced into traffic.
“They’re all naked and howling at the moon or whatever those guys like to do. I suspect it’s more a case of sitting around watching pornos and comparing dick sizes while drinking like they’re frat boys again.” Ann swerved around a slower car as Kate dug her fingernails into the dashboard. “That’s my idea of male bonding.” She glanced at Kate as they took another corner. “You okay?”
“Sure.” Kate managed a smile. “Just a little nervous.”
“You’ll be fine.” Ann reached over and patted her hand. “I know it’s been a while since you got out into the world, but trust me. It’s like falling off a bike. You’ll know what to do.”
“I’m not looking for anyone.” Kate winced inside as the words came out a bit too harshly and a bit too hurriedly.
“Of course you’re not,” Ann answered without missing a beat. “You’re here to keep me company and enjoy a lovely evening among people who make more in a week than we do or will in our lifetimes.” She put her hand back on the steering wheel, relieving Kate’s anxiety. “And pig out on some great food. I skipped breakfast and lunch for this. Hope it’s worth my growling stomach.”
Kate laughed and then grimaced as they took a sharp turn way too fast.
Alex spent every last second he could working on another page of code, snatching sideway glances at the clock. Jane had called an hour ago to announce they were picking him up on time, not leaving him any excuse room. She’d reminded him for the umpteenth time to wear a decent shirt and tie with the good jacket and pants she knew he had hidden in the closet for such occasions.
He ignored the fashion slight. He’d dressed up before for meetings with high-priced clients and the like—he knew how to look professional.
Alex also knew this was typical Jane fussing over any and everything she could take control of. It was a way she dealt with her nervousness.
Mike sure as hell hadn’t picked out his outfit.
He doubted Monica had much of a choice either. Jane had probably dictated what she’d wear for this double date with a stern warning not to get drunk and out of control like she had at Jane’s wedding. Monica, being a good sport, would have gone along with it just for the sake of getting to go to the gala and be with Alex.
A horn bleated from the driveway.
He got up and grabbed the tie lying on the desk as he started shutting down his computer.
It was going to be a wonderful night.
Jane, sitting in the front seat, scowled at him as Alex got in the back seat behind her. “You were working up to the last second weren’t you?”
Alex gave a shrug and smiled, holding up his hands.
Mike laughed. “You can take the man out of the workaholic, but you can’t take the workaholic out of the man.” His forehead furrowed. “Doesn’t roll off the tongue, does it?”
“Not really,” Alex said. “But I got the drift of it.”
Jane snorted her annoyance. “At least you’re dressed decently. I’d have dragged you right back into the house if you’d tried wearing jeans. If you’re going to be talking to these types of folks, you need to look the part.” She looked at Alex via the rear-view mirror. “Remember, it’s for charity. Smile, press the flesh, whatever you have to do to get them to either write a check for a straight donation or bid on one of the silent auctions.”
“Roger that.” Alex felt a tang of guilt at leaving all the work to Jane. “Thanks for making this happen, sis.” He blew her a kiss.
“Damn it.” Jane smiled and shook her head. “Why can’t I stay mad at you? Even when you deserve it?”
Alex adjusted his collar, making sure his tie was straight. “Because I’m so darned smart. And cool.”
Jane laughed outright as she backed the car out onto the street. “Watch out, Monica. He’s one of those sweet-talking men who’ll have your panties off before you know it.”
Alex turned his attention to the woman beside him. Monica wore a lovely red dress and a neutral smile. He doubted she even remembered the wedding, much less the man who had turned her down.
“Hi,” she said, giving him a weak wave. “Pleased to see you again.”
Alex nodded, pasting on a smile. He wasn’t going to be a miserable date for the evening and punish Monica for—
Not being Kate? his inner voice grumbled.
To distract him from that line of thought, he turned to Monica and smiled. “Sorry. Thinking too much.” He extended his hand. “I’m Alex. Again.”
She grinned and shook his hand. “Thanks for the reminder. I was pretty blitzed at the wedding, so I appreciate it.” Her grip lasted a second longer than it should, a gentle squeeze accompanying her comments.
“I’ll stay sober this time.”
Alex extracted his hand with a neutral nod.
It was going to be a long evening.
Kate felt her fingers start to cramp around the thin glass stem, the effort of holding the single drink beginning to show. She’d nursed the same white wine for a good hour now so as not to be tempted to overindulge. Even though Ann was driving, she didn’t want to be tipsy in an environment like this.
It also kept potential suitors away. If she didn’t have a drink in her hand, someone would offer to get one for her, and it’d be a natural opening for conversation and so forth.
She wasn’t here for sex.
If it weren’t for Ann, she wouldn’t be here at all.
She’d be back in her condo, snapping pencils in half and trying to figure out what to do about Alex.
Her fingers itched, and she tightened her grip on the glass stem.
She tried not to look too bored. It’d attract attention, and that was something she didn’t need.
Kate looked around the ballroom again. An overhead banner announced the Alzheimer’s charity, and they had no shortage of generous donors. The ballroom was nearly filled to capacity, lines of well-dressed people shuffling in to peer at the various tables and finally congregate around the buffet table in clusters.
Pretty Petals had done a fantastic job on the centerpieces and floral arrangements. Kate didn’t know much about flowers, but she saw the approving smiles and nods from the attendees, many of them reaching out to touch the delicate lilies and roses. A number of paper pinwheels dotted the creations as well, the unofficial flower for those dealing with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers.
One table held a number of baskets, all stuffed with expensive items, from delicate china to caviar to rare first editions of popular books, set up for a silent auction where you put down your bid on a paper and had to wait to see if someone walked up and bid higher than you did.
She guessed it was so no one had to stand up and yell out numbers or wave frantically in the air to get noticed to have their bid count.
The buffet table displayed enough sweet treats and delicacies to take her off her diet for life. The mandatory fruit trays were well-stocked with a white- and dark-chocolate fountain ready to provide a sweet dipping. Cheesecakes of multiple varieties teased her, along with enough nibble-sized bits of cookies and cakes to push her well over the edge into sugar shock.