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Strictly Business: Hooded Pleasures, Book 1 Page 20

  “I see.” The voice shifted from professional down to soft, gentle. “Tell me what you want to do, Alex.”

  He forced the words out, even though he’d practiced them a hundred times during the night. “I don’t want another Domme. I want to cancel my contract.”

  “I understand. We will send you a verification email within the hour. Click on the link, and it’ll confirm your cancellation. You do have twenty-four hours to change your mind, but you’ll have to be reinterviewed to be allowed back. This is all listed in your copy of the contract. Is this suitable?”

  No, he wanted to yell, it was not.

  “Yes.” He exhaled softly. “Yes. Good-bye.”

  “Good-bye, Alex. Thank you.”

  Alex poured himself a cup of coffee, adding three teaspoons of sugar and a dash of milk.

  He drank half of it before picking up the phone and dialing a number he’d never thought he’d have the nerve to dial.

  The woman on the phone was polite and quiet. “It’s nice to hear from you, Mr. Hanson. Yes, we received your application, and it was approved.”

  “I’m sorry I haven’t called before to activate my membership.” He felt the need to apologize. “I’ve been busy.”

  “That’s totally understandable. Some of our members only visit once a month, some only every few months. Some weekly. It all depends on the individual’s needs.”

  “How do I—” He paused, not sure how to even begin to discuss this.

  “Don’t be nervous, Mr. Hanson. We understand this is a big step for some people, and we don’t want anyone to be uncomfortable with their choices.” The warm chuckle caressed his ears. “We have a new members’ night once a month. Tomorrow night happens to be the next one. If you attend, you can see if you’d like to continue visiting us. You have a seven-day period after your first visit to cancel your membership and receive a full refund.”

  He felt like he was arranging a ski vacation.

  Alex swallowed the last of the sweet coffee. “Okay. Let’s do this. What do I need to do?”

  The faint sound of fingers tapping on a keyboard came over the line. “I’m sending you a confirmation email with the details. Please come to the address provided any time after six in the evening. Introduce yourself to the men at the front door—I’ll put your name on the list. Please check in with the front desk to receive your wristband.”


  “It’s a way of identifying new members. You may use the facilities, but it alerts the other club members you’re unfamiliar with our establishment.”

  Translation: we want to keep you from getting in over your head.

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  “You already have our information packet. If you have any questions regarding attire or anything else, please call us back. If you change your mind about coming to visit, please call, and we can either reschedule or cancel altogether.”

  “Thank you.”

  Alex hung up, his head spinning. When he’d originally bought a membership, he’d never thought he’d have the nerve to use it, to actually go to a BDSM club.

  He could thank Hooded Pleasures for that much. At least now he knew what he wanted and where to get it without fear.

  But Kate wouldn’t be there.

  You could find her. You have a computer and mad skills, his inner voice bleated. You have a picture she drew. You could easily get the information on her Amazonian ogre from the servers.

  Not if she doesn’t want me, he answered. She knows where I live. If she wants me, she’ll come to me. I’m not going to become one of those creepy stalkers.

  And what are you going to find at the club?

  He paused.

  The proof I need to show her I’m in love with her, only her.

  Only her.

  He looked at the unsigned sketch.

  Alex got up from his kitchen table and went to his work desk, carrying the art piece. On the way sat a corkboard, various notes pinned and posted as he worked through assorted projects.

  He took a single pushpin and placed the elf on the board.

  He had work to do before he went to the club.

  Kate woke up to the phone ringing, a persistent buzz dragging her out of a deep sleep. She’d taken sleeping pills after getting home, not wanting to deal with the emotions and thoughts racing through her mind.

  “Kate?” Tracy’s voice drove through the haze. “Are you okay?”

  “Just a little tired. Rough night.” She forced herself to look at the clock. It was early afternoon.

  “Okay.” Her tone indicated otherwise. “I wanted to let you know Alex Hanson canceled his contract. The confirmation email came through a few minutes ago.”

  “Oh.” Kate chewed on her lower lip. “Thank you.”

  “Do you want to be reinstated to—”

  “No. Not yet, please. I need to talk to Wendy first.”

  “Understood. I’ll give her an update and have her contact you. Is that okay?”


  “Then we’re good. Have a nice day.”

  The line went silent.

  Kate looked at the phone, wondering what to do.

  If anything.

  Alex was gone.

  She should feel great. He was gone from her world, and she could get back to work fulfilling men’s dreams.

  Instead, she felt like she’d been punched in the gut.

  She put the phone down and moved back under the blankets, letting her mind wander.

  I don’t need him.

  Her mind went back to that explosive encounter, the one that almost broke her. The fire in his eyes as he asked permission to kiss her, his fingers digging into her hips as he pulled her onto him—

  Kate swallowed, trying to ignore the desire building in her gut.

  The scent of leather mixed with sweat, the brutal crashing of their lips together—

  She flopped onto her back, clenching the sheets in her fingers.

  She was not going to reach for her vibrator with Alex on her mind.


  That wouldn’t be good. Not when she was trying to get over him.

  He’d be so good if you let him. Just imagine—

  “No!” Kate threw off the blankets and headed for the living room and her computer. She’d left it on all night, the screensaver blasting tiny space aliens as it waited for her return.

  The keyboard shook as she bashed on the keys, setting out to kill as many orcs as she could find, slashing her way through the virtual world.

  A half hour later she sat back, panting, and looked at her score, the tiny numbers at the bottom of the screen signaling her accomplishments.

  It didn’t fill the hollow in her belly. Or the curiosity burning in her soul.

  Or the desire pooling below her belly button.

  Kate pushed the keyboard to one side and snatched up the phone. She dialed Hooded Pleasures.

  “Yes?” Tracy said.

  “Is Danielle available to talk to me?” Kate looked at the clock. “I know it’s unusual, but—”

  There was a pause on the line. “According to her schedule, she’s between sessions. Let me text her and see if I can hook you up.”

  “Will Wendy be upset?”

  “Probably. But I’ll survive.” A few clicks interrupted her words. “You’re in luck. She’s available.”

  “Thanks.” Kate propped her elbows up on the desk and laid the phone down, activating the speaker function.

  “No problem. Connecting now.”

  “Hello?” The unfamiliar voice crackled down the line.

  “This is Kate. Are you Danielle?”

  “If it’s Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Sunday, I’m Danielle.” The light laugh had Kate smiling in response. “Pleased to finally speak with you.
I’ve enjoyed taking on some of your workload. Love the change of pace.”

  “Thank you. I—” Kate paused, her mind temporarily blank. She’d nodded to other employees when visiting the office, but she had no idea how to start a conversation like this.

  “Let me guess. You don’t know how to say what you want to say. Even though we work in the same field and do the same basic work, we’ve got nothing in common.” Danielle giggled. “I know. It’s so strange. I go to my club once a month to get used to not being on the clock. You know, having something to think about other than watching the time and making sure I don’t get too turned on.”

  Kate blinked, taken aback by the woman’s forwardness.

  “Thank you again,” she repeated.

  “No problem at all. Working at a job like this, it’s an emotional rush,” Danielle said. “I can understand you needing a break. Some of these fellows are pretty wired, and it carries on through to you. Extra baggage we all drag out even after the timer goes off.”

  Kate felt the tension in her back ease somewhat. This was a woman who thought as she did, performed the same tasks.

  She got it.

  “I want to ask you about Alex.”

  Danielle chuckled. “Sweet fellow. A man like that, he’s damned tempting to ask for a little extra on the side. Take him off the books and give him a wild ride. Push his hard limits and see how he reacts.”

  A dagger of jealousy surged forth before Kate remembered Danielle played by the same rules.

  No emotional ties.

  She gritted her teeth. “I was wondering how he was with you.”

  “A good sub. Attentive, quick to answer and react. You trained him well.” Danielle’s tone shifted toward sadness. “He missed you something awful.”

  Kate caught her breath before speaking. “Did he mention me?”

  “No, but I could tell. Just the way he acted. He was with me but not really with me, if you get my gist. I can tell the difference, and he wasn’t in the scene, not as deep as he should have gone. Not like my other clients. I suspected he’d be moving on soon enough.”

  Kate’s self-control wavered for a second, torn between hanging up on Danielle and pursuing Alex on her own or letting sleeping subs lie.

  “I heard he canceled his contract. Too bad. I wouldn’t mind tag-teaming him with you,” Danielle said. “Give him a damned good rate on it considering how sexy he is. Man like that can make you forget the rules, take him in hand up close and personal.” She giggled. “Hope he makes it on his own. Make some Domme a lucky woman.”

  “Thanks,” Kate answered, trying to find a polite way to end the conversation. “Appreciate the help.”

  “No problem. See you ’round.” The connection went dead.

  Kate looked at the phone in her hand before glancing at the images on the computer monitor. The pixilated figures dashing around trying to complete quests, gain experience, go up a level.

  At times, her virtual life looked better than her real one.

  His pulse pounded in his ears as the cab roared away from the curb, leaving Alex alone on the sidewalk. He was too nervous to drive and didn’t want to deal with parking.

  The two huge men at the front door eyed him as he crossed the street. The door itself was made of black steel and resembled any one of a hundred underground clubs around the city. Anyone passing by would assume it was a rave or private party or some such venue.

  “Alex H.” He cleared his throat as the first man checked a clipboard. He still had time to walk away. No one would notice—

  “Please come in. Go directly to the desk at the end of the hall. Have a good evening.” He nodded at his partner, who opened the door.

  Alex felt a rush of excitement as he stepped over the threshold into the brightly lit hall.

  The door slammed shut behind him with a loud metallic thud.

  For a second, he thought he’d been fooled, tricked into walking into one of those hidden-camera jokes.

  The faux-wood paneling on the walls was out of another era, the silence already grating on his nerves.

  The desk sat at the end of the hall. A woman dressed in a charcoal-gray suit sat behind it, her fingers entwined. A single wooden chair sat in front of the desk.

  The only exit was the door he’d entered through and, maybe, the door behind the desk.

  Alex swallowed hard, trying to steady his nerves. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he had to play it out.

  At least until the wizard popped out from behind the curtain to laugh at him.

  The blonde woman watched him approach without a word, waiting until he was close enough to hear her to speak.

  “Welcome. Please have a seat.” She gestured at the chair.

  He sat.

  “Your name?”

  “Alex Hanson.”

  She opened a file folder and looked at the contents.

  “Thank you.” She closed the folder and opened up the desk drawer to her right. “Wrist, please.” The blonde held out a green plastic band.

  Alex watched her snap it into place around his right wrist.

  “This signals that you have a temporary membership, just for tonight. You are technically a full member, but you need to spend your first time here as a tagged member to see if we’re right for you and if you’re right for us.” She tapped the band. “If you decide to stay, you’ll be given a bracelet. The color will inform others that you’re a submissive or a Dominant. You can leave it in your locker if you don’t want to take it home, but you must wear it while inside the club.”

  He nodded.

  She held up her right wrist and showed him a gold band. “For example, this is what Dominant members will be wearing. If you don’t see either a gold or silver bracelet, please ask for help—the bartender is always available for assistance.”

  Alex gave another nod, staying silent.

  “Behind me is the main door. It leads to a locker room. You can take any open locker you want but you must empty it at the end of your stay tonight. After tonight you can be assigned a private locker with a key where you can store your clothing and your personal items for the long term. It’s easier than dragging a suitcase back and forth.” She leaned in, locking eyes with him. “We used to take away cell phones, but too many of our members need to have them on hand for emergencies, so now we allow you to keep them. We trust you to keep your secrets and those of the other members. One ‘selfie’, one intimate image of anyone here online, and not only will your membership be canceled, full legal retribution will be taken.” A smile curved her lips. “We have quite a few lawyers here who would love to destroy someone in court.”

  Alex couldn’t help grinning in response. “I can imagine.”

  “Your wristband gives you unaccompanied access to the arrival lounge. The bar there will be pleased to serve you for the duration of your visit if you wish. Stay within the yellow lines.” She spoke slowly, watching him for any reaction. “Do not wander off into any of the other areas without an escort. An escort is another member, not another visitor. If you feel uncomfortable with the way a conversation is going, raise your right hand, the one with the wristband. A monitor will come over to discuss the situation.”

  His stomach twisted into knots.

  I’m actually doing this.

  I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.

  “If you do go anywhere with an escort, please make sure it’s your decision. Panic buttons are installed in each room. Hit the button, and a monitor will be there within minutes to assess the situation and respond to your concerns. Again, if you’re feeling pressured or harassed while in the arrival area, raise your hand.” She opened another drawer. “Sub or Dom?”

  There was no judgment in her voice, no curiosity.

  She had to know it was in his file, but she wanted him to say it, declare it out loud.
/>   “Sub,” he murmured.

  A white paper wristband snapped onto his wrist, rubbing against the green one.

  He cleared his throat.

  “Are you okay?” She patted his hand and smiled. “Don’t faint on me here.”

  “I’m fine. First-time jitters, I guess.”

  She squeezed his arm, a light reassuring touch. “We all had our first time here. Sit, relax and watch. If you want to get into a scene, that’s fine. If not, that’s fine as well. No one is going to make you do anything you don’t want to do. If you feel pressured, put up your hand, and help will be on the way.” She studied him. “You’re sweet. I might come back and see you myself when my shift is over. I’m Jackie.”

  “I’m Alex.” He chuckled. “But you know that already. Thank you.”

  She stood, and he followed. “Enjoy yourself.” She opened the door. “Welcome to Boots ’n’ Chains.”

  Alex moved through into the locker room. For a second, he flashed back to his high school days, the tedious physical drills when all he wanted to do was get to the library and catch up on the newest technical magazines.

  He walked right through without stopping. He didn’t want to leave anything behind to keep him here if he had to leave in a rush.

  The exit door opened easily, admitting him to the inner sanctum of the club.

  It took him a few minutes to adjust to the dim lighting. The door gently smacking his ass propelled him onward toward the bar at the far end of the room.

  He couldn’t stand still. Walking hid his nervous shaking.

  At first glance, it looked like every other club he’d ever been in—people milling around in small groups, booths filled with couples pawing each other over, and a few out on the dance floor working their best moves.

  As he sat at the bar, his eyesight sharpened, and he saw clearly.

  Oh. My.

  The threesome in the booth was barely dressed, with maybe enough fabric for one T-shirt spread out among the three bodies. The bare-chested man kept a firm grip on the redhead nibbling on his neck as he caressed the blonde on his lap. He sighed and gripped her collar, pushing her down onto the floor.

  She didn’t hesitate and slid out of sight under the black tablecloth.