Strictly Business: Hooded Pleasures, Book 1 Read online

Page 21

  He groaned and shifted his hips as he pulled the redhead in for a deep kiss.

  Alex looked away, suddenly self-conscious.

  On the dance floor, one woman held the leash connecting her to her partner as they both moved to the music, wrapped around each other. He wore only a silver bracelet and a loincloth, which was perilously close to slipping down and exposing everything.

  From the bulge, there was a whole lot of everything.

  She wore a tight leather corset and pants, the gold band loose on her wrist.

  He didn’t seem perturbed by his lack of clothing or the amount she wore.

  She wrapped the leash around her fingers and whispered something in his ear, making him laugh and rock even closer against her.

  Alex turned his attention to another woman. She was dancing by herself, rotating her hips to the music. The light blue dress turned translucent under the lights to show off all her assets.

  Her two wristbands matched his.

  Two men stood by watching her, murmuring to each other. They wore jeans and black T-shirts, a matched set.

  Brothers, Alex figured, from the way they looked. Not twins, but close enough in years.

  He spotted a gold bracelet on each man’s wrist.

  He couldn’t hear what they were saying, but it was easy to guess by the way the pair were eying her.

  And by the way she kept dancing and glancing over at them, she knew she had their attention and had no problem with that.

  Alex couldn’t breathe. It was all too much. He turned away and slumped down, his elbows resting on the bar.

  The mirror behind the bar showed the same scenes he’d been watching, the parallel-universe Alex staring at himself in disbelief.

  I’m here. I’m really here.

  “Welcome to Boots ’n’ Chains. Here.” The beefy bartender put a bottle of water in front of him. “Water here is always free. Ask me or Jenny, and we’ll get it for you.” He waved at Jenny, who was at the far end of the bar dealing with her own customers. “We carry beer, liquor, all reasonably priced. But because it’s your first time I’m not going to serve you anything stronger. ’Kay? We want you totally awake and aware of what you’re doing.”

  Alex nodded, wrapping both hands around the cool plastic. “Thanks.”

  The bald man smiled. “Just stay within the lines and enjoy yourself. I’ll be back to check on you later.”

  Alex looked down and saw the fluorescent yellow tape surrounding the bar. It included the dance area, a pair of booths and a few tables, allowing a degree of privacy if needed.

  Enough to let the new kids wander away from the bar without going too far afield.

  He rolled his shoulders, feeling a bit more confident.

  This might be his first time here, but he wasn’t ignorant. Or naïve.

  He was right where he wanted to be.

  Where he needed to be.

  The bartender moved down the bar, where two women were busy trying to undress each other. He wagged a finger at the pair, who giggled back and gestured him on.

  Alex looked into the mirror, trying not to focus on any single person or group.

  It was and it wasn’t like what he’d expected.

  The music playing in the background, for one. A mixture of jazz and soul, low enough to talk to the person beside you without screaming and yet loud enough to keep anyone not engaged in the conversation unable to listen in.

  Perfect for discussions and negotiations.

  Like the one he was witnessing right now.

  The two brothers had gone over to the dancing woman, and now the three of them stood there, the lights flashing over them in measured staccato bursts.

  Alex watched the reflections in the bar mirror, not wanting to turn around and gawk.

  One brother brought his finger under her chin and tipped her head up as the other moved behind her and placed his hands on her hips.

  She shuddered under their prying eyes but kept smiling as the older brother in front of her whispered something and licked his lips with a sly grin.

  The man behind her kissed the side of her neck. His fingers dug into her hips to hold her tight against him as he dictated how he wanted her to move and when. They began to dance together with her allowing him to lead her, a wide grin spreading on her face as he continued to control her.

  She didn’t flinch or pull away at his actions. Instead, she leaned back as she spoke to the brother in front of her.

  He touched her wristbands and said something again.

  She nodded and took hold of the hand on her waist while offering her other hand to the older brother.

  The three of them walked away, past the fluorescent line and down a hall. Alex saw a door to the right open, and then they were gone from his sight.


  He grabbed at the bottle of water and ripped the cap off before taking a long drink of the chilled liquid.

  He turned his attention to the other parts of the lounge, away from the individuals. It was easier to focus on that than let his mind wonder what was going on with the threesome he’d just seen form.

  The décor reminded him of a friendly neighborhood pub. Booths with leather seats lined the walls, and there was even a dartboard on the far wall. Upon further scrutiny, Alex saw various sexual options listed on the dartboard, some of which he hadn’t even heard of. Darts stuck in the board signaled a finished game and someone had gone off to collect their winnings—or pay for their losses.

  A St. Andrew’s cross sat in a corner atop a pedestal, unused at present. A series of track lights shone down to accentuate its presence.

  He looked at the leather restraints and felt himself getting hard despite his nervous shivering. It didn’t take much to imagine being up there, strapped down for his Domme’s pleasure.

  Maybe not so much the neighborhood pub.

  “Sort of overwhelming, hmm?”

  He turned to see the woman seating herself beside him. Her long sleeves covered her wrists, and he couldn’t see what color wristband she wore.

  The arousal evolved into a mixture of fear and anticipation.

  Is she? Will she—

  “Whoa.” She lifted her hand. “Don’t panic. I’m here to get a drink.” She reached over and tapped his arm. “Breathe.”

  Alex realized he’d been holding his breath.

  “Sorry.” He took another sip. “I’m a bit nervous.”

  “I can see.” The blonde woman laughed. She wore a black business suit with matching pants, the white blouse open enough to give him a flash of her bra. “How are you doing?” She gestured at his wristband. “Welcome to the club.”

  “Thanks.” Alex smiled. “Sorry ’bout that.”

  “Totally understandable. On new members’ night, we’re used to seeing new faces. And reactions.” She crooked a finger at the bartender. “Some of the regulars take the night off so they don’t freak anyone out. The extremists, as you can guess. The rest of us enjoy being around to welcome new people. And there are some who love to bring newbies into the fold personally.” She gestured toward the hall where the two brothers and the woman had gone. “Mike and Bill love making new friends.”

  “Ah.” Alex couldn’t help glancing over at the crossed wooden beams again.

  “Not that way.” She nodded as the bartender placed a mixed drink in front of her and moved away. “Not unless you want it, I should say. Most don’t want to do a public scene on their first visit and that’s perfectly acceptable. For those who do we appreciate it and welcome it. But nothing’s expected of you. Safe, sane and consensual.” She took a sip and winced. “A wee bit strong, William.”

  “Sorry.” The bartender returned to stand in front of her. “Do you want another?”

  “No, this is fine. Just keep it in mind.” She nodded, dismissing him.

bsp; Alex watched the server head back down the bar to the two women who had paused their undressing to make out. He turned his attention back to the woman beside him.

  She’s sure as hell no submissive.

  He felt a delicious lick of desire run through his groin.

  “You’re a member.” He kept a firm grip on the water bottle.

  She nodded. “Yes I am. But you knew that already.” Her voice dropped down to a heated whisper. “The question you wanted to ask was if I was a Domme.”

  He nodded without thinking.

  She pulled her sleeve up to expose a gold band, glittering in the dim light. “Yes. Which is what you’re seeking.”

  Alex suspected she would have known without seeing his white wristband. “Yes.”

  She eyed him, locked him in her sights. “I like you. Would you be interested in coming to one of the back rooms with me?” She reached out and stroked the back of his hand. “I’ll be gentle. Until you don’t want me to be.” Her low, throaty voice swept over him like a wave. “Just say the word. It’s your call.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The memory of Kate wrapping the leather cuffs around his wrists flashed in front of his eyes.

  He was hard in an instant, the heat burning up his spine.

  He closed his eyes and pushed the mental images back into a corner of his mind.



  He forced himself to look at his bar companion. “Thank you, but I have to decline your offer.” Alex shook his head. “You’re lovely, but there’s only one woman for me. I’m waiting for her.”

  She smiled and took a sip of her drink. “No problem. I didn’t know you already had someone picked out.”

  Alex chewed on his bottom lip, trying to find the words.

  “Hey. It’s okay. I appreciate the kind words—she’s a lucky lady to have a sweetie like you. I’m not surprised you’re already spoken for.” Her attention wandered down the bar. “Have a good night, and welcome to the club. Excuse me.”

  She slid off her stool and walked toward a pair of men, both with white wristbands.

  Alex let his breath out slowly.


  But it wasn’t going to happen.


  Alex looked up to see William staring at him, a slight frown on the bartender’s face.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” Alex raised the water bottle in a salute. “I’m fine. Thank you.”

  The bald man leaned in, resting his forearms on the bar. “I’m asking because I just saw you pass up a luscious lady willing to take care of you. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t speak up, but you said you were waiting for someone. If you tell me who it is, I can make sure she finds you when she arrives.” William winked. “I can call Jackie at the front.”


  Here’s where it gets complicated, Alex thought.

  “My Domme doesn’t know I’m here.”

  William raised an eyebrow. “I don’t understand.”

  “She doesn’t know I’m here because—” Alex cleared his throat. “She decided not to see me anymore. Canceled our last appointment.”

  “Interesting phrasing.” William nodded. “I’m going to guess here—it was a paid relationship?”

  Alex didn’t feel embarrassed at admitting it here, in this place. “Yes. I found her through a company that deals in this sort of—” He gestured at the images in the mirror. “Alternate lifestyle. She thinks she can’t be in love with me because it’s the experience I’m in love with. Not her. Not Kate. Katherine.”

  He felt better and worse by saying her name. It made it more real and increased the pain.

  “Hooded Pleasures,” William said.

  Alex nodded.

  “We get quite a few of them here.” He nodded at the dance floor. “Works both ways. Some members come here when they leave HP, and some go from here to work for HP.” He grinned. “The circle of life.”

  Alex nodded.

  “But back to your Domme. She thought you’d feel the same about any Domme.”

  “Yes.” Alex cleared his throat. “I can see why she’d think that. So I went with another woman, another paid Dominatrix to verify what I felt in my heart, in my soul. She was nice, but she wasn’t Katherine.” He took a mouthful of water before continuing. “It was good, but I wasn’t in the zone, not as far as I went with Kate. As far as I’d like to go.” He exhaled, not caring how it felt. “It’s got to be with her. Only her.”

  “Hmm. So let me get this straight.” William pulled an unopened water bottle from under the shelf. He popped the top off and took a swig. “You think you love her—”

  “I know I love her,” Alex interrupted.

  William chuckled. “Excuse my error. You know you love her. So what was her reaction when you didn’t mesh with the other woman, the fill-in?”

  “She told me I needed a Domme. Any Domme.” Alex rubbed his forehead. “I’m not sure if she believes it herself. I know someone hurt her in the past, something happened to mess with her mind. She doesn’t believe she’s good enough for me.” He licked his lips, remembering the taste of her. “She’s more than I deserve.”

  “Okay,” William said. “So what, if you don’t mind me asking, are you doing here without her and turning down offers?”

  “I—” Alex felt his chest tighten as he worked the words out. “I want to prove to her it’s not the experience, it’s her. I’m in love with her whether or not she’s got me tied up or down or sideways. I’d be in love with her sitting on the couch reading a novel or seeing a movie or playing video games—” He paused, out of breath.

  “Okay. Slow down.” William gestured with his hand. “I understand part of this. So you’re here to prove something to her or to yourself?”

  Alex took another swig of water before answering. “To both of us. I’m going to sit here all night and deny myself.” The words dried his mouth up like he’d been drinking sand.

  “Really?” The disbelief in William’s voice cut deep. “You’re going to do nothing but watch?”

  “Yeah.” Alex watched the two women from farther down the bar saunter off toward one of the private rooms, holding hands. “I figure if I can keep from going with someone tonight, it shows it’s not all about the sex or the domination. It’s about the emotions, the needs of the heart over the needs of the body.” He tried not to imagine what the two women would be doing behind closed doors and failed miserably.

  It was a concentrated effort to force his mind back on his chosen goal.

  Fantasizing about the women wouldn’t make his task any easier.

  “Interesting theory.” William emptied his bottle with two long draws. “Of course, you punishing yourself by not going off with a Domme might be seen as masochistic behavior. There’s plenty of people into that, but—”

  “All I know is if I can resist tonight and every night I come here, it’ll prove to me and to her that I love her,” Alex said.

  “Hold that thought. Back in a minute.” William put up his finger before trotting down the bar to answer to a blonde wearing a tight black leather jumpsuit.

  Alex glanced over to see the woman he’d been chatting to earlier moving away from the safety area with two men in tow. He raised his water bottle in a quiet salute.

  Godspeed, fellows.

  Just don’t forget your safe-word.

  William moved back in front of him. “Got Jenny to cover me for a bit.” He grinned. “This situation is something that requires all my attention.”

  “I don’t need—” Alex stopped, seeing William’s wide smile.

  He held up a hand, silencing Alex. “I’m a bartender. Whether it’s here or in some Irish pub down on King Street or some high-priced rave on Queen, it’s what I do. And what I do is help people, sometimes just by l
istening and helping out if and where I can. Tonight, I’m trying to help you.” He leaned in. “So let me ask you this. What makes you think she’s in love with you? If it was a paid relationship and all, how do you know she wasn’t pretending to like you?” William reached out of sight to bring up a fresh cold water bottle and swapped it with Alex’s half-empty drink. “I don’t mean to insult you or her, but maybe you misread her. Happens every night to a thousand people in a thousand bars. Signals get crossed and assumptions made leading to wrong impressions.”

  “She, ah…” Alex blushed. “We kissed the last time we were together. It was off the clock, nothing to do with our regular appointment. I asked her first and then moved in. It was—” He spread his hands, unable to find the words.

  He shifted on his stool, feeling his arousal grow. Just thinking about it was pushing him almost to the edge of no return.

  Show some control, he berated himself silently. Control yourself.

  William raised both eyebrows, and Alex knew what the bartender was thinking.

  “She wasn’t faking it.” The confidence in his voice grew the more he spoke. “I’ve seen women fake it, and I know the difference.” He rubbed the bottle with both hands, keeping them busy. “It was just a kiss, but there was so much in it, so much passion, so much—” He sighed at the memory.

  “Wow.” William nodded. “I hear you, buddy. Those don’t come along every day. Few and far between.” He pulled a cloth out and wiped the bar clean of the condensation from their water bottles before motioning at the crowd around them. “But how would she know of your evening of denial? She’s not here.” He shook his head. “This isn’t the only BDSM club in town.”

  “No she’s not.” Alex took a sip of the fresh cold water. “Tomorrow, I’ll leave a message with HP to tell her what I’m doing. I’m not a client anymore, but I hope they’ll pass it on to her.”

  “You hope?” William shook his head. “No offense, but I’m not sure I would. It’s sort of personal stuff. Plus, with you not paying them—”

  “I don’t have any other way to reach her.” Alex ran his thumb along the cool plastic bottle edge. “I don’t have her phone number.” He felt the rough edges of the cap and pressed against them. “Although I could hunt it down if I wanted to. She’s given me enough crumbs that if I put my mind to it, I could find out everything about her.” He tapped his temple. “I’m a smart guy. With the right technology, I could easily find her address, her phone number and probably her entire work and educational history if I tried. But I won’t.”