Strictly Yours: Hooded Pleasures, Book 3 Read online

Page 22

  But he’d have none of it. Her hands scrabbled for purchase and found none, his strength holding her up and not allowing her any choice in the matter.

  Jen gasped for breath.

  I like this.

  I want this.

  I love—

  He roared and plunged into her one final time, her world exploding into a thousand wet tears.

  They slumped down as far as they could in the narrow stall, her legs aching as she was caught between lying down and standing up.

  “Sorry.” Nathan kept a firm grip on her waist as he twisted and turned to get them both upright again. “I’ll make a plan to renovate the bathroom tomorrow.”

  “Good idea.” Jen fought for air, trembling. “I don’t want to be late for work.”

  Nathan chuckled as he picked up the washcloth from the floor. “Then let’s get going.”

  He hadn’t planned to jump her in the shower, but when opportunity presented itself, he wasn’t going to let it go.

  Thank goodness he kept a box of condoms in the bathroom.

  Mentally he noted to store some down in the kitchen and living room for any future adventures.

  As it was, he couldn’t keep his hands off her despite her slaps and giggles, making what usually took him ten minutes close to an hour.

  Nathan twisted to see his back in the full-length mirror partially clouded with steam. The thin scarlet slashes from her nails made him grin even wider, if that were possible.

  He’d earned every one.

  “What are you smiling at?”

  He turned to see Jen wrapping a towel around herself, wet hair hanging off her shoulders.

  “Nothing.” Nathan rolled his shoulders. “I’m afraid I have to go get dressed now.”

  “As do I.” She took another towel and started on her hair. “Go. Get out of here before I throw you down and have my way with you.”

  Nathan looked down, seeing himself growing hard at her words. “I fail to see a problem with this.”

  “Go.” She flicked the towel at his cock. “Go.”

  He pouted, enjoying her weary expression.

  “Go,” she repeated one last time with a nasty towel whip that made contact.

  Nathan stepped out of range. “I’ll be downstairs when you’re ready to go home.”

  He walked into his bedroom and noticed the time, making mental calculations. It’d be tight but he’d be able to follow Jen home in his car and make it to the station on time.

  At least she’d be protected while he was at work.

  Nathan moved to the window as he buttoned his shirt and glanced between the blinds.

  Sure enough, the car was there, the same one from her workplace parking lot. They were rotating men in and keeping the same spot. It was a good plan, making sure they didn’t lose a prime surveillance spot because someone decided to visit a neighbor. He couldn’t see the current plainclothes investigator but suspected the guy was about ready for a change of pace, and following them to Jen’s place and then to the clinic would provide enough entertainment for the evening.

  “What are you watching?” He turned to see Jen retrieving her underwear.

  “Ah.” His mind went momentarily blank at seeing her perform the simple task of getting dressed, his libido stirring again.

  “Down, boy.” She laughed as she dug up her socks from where they’d slid under the bed. “We have work to do. I’m looking forward to breakfast.”

  He gave one last look at the car. “We had breakfast.” He licked his lips. “Including dessert.”

  “Smartass. Tomorrow morning, I’ll take you out for a nice meal.” She stared at his blue dress shirt and jeans. “Don’t you wear your uniform to work?”

  “Never,” Nathan replied. “I change in the locker room.”

  “But you keep spare shirts and uniforms here?” A hot flash of desire shot to his balls as he realized she was referring to the role-play they’d both shared on previous visits.

  “I bring them home to get dry-cleaned and then take them back. If I have to.” Nathan reached for her. “If we don’t leave now, I’ll be late for work. But maybe when we come back here—”

  Jen slapped his hands away with a giggle. “You need to get out on the streets and use up some of that excess energy.” She leaned in. “But not all.”

  Nathan let out an exaggerated sigh. “Protect and serve. Got it.” He waved at the doorway. “Let’s be off, then.”

  He snatched his leather jacket off the peg and picked Jen’s up from the floor. “I’ll follow you home.” He held it out for her. “Don’t get too far ahead of me.”

  She turned and kissed his chin. “Don’t worry. I like it when we arrive together.”

  Nathan laughed before opening the door.

  The cold night air washed over them as they went down the pathway. Nathan’s car sat in the driveway, Jen’s right behind it.

  “Hold on.” Nathan jabbed a thumb at the waiting security car. “Let’s tell him what’s up and where we’re going. I don’t want them calling in the militia if we get separated ’cause of traffic.”

  The two of them walked toward the street and the dark blue sedan.

  “Hey.” Nathan waved his hand. “Hey,” he repeated.

  Damned fellow’s fallen asleep. Going to get himself fired.

  He stepped up to the driver’s side and rapped on the window. “Hey.”

  The man’s head lolled to one side, showing the neat bullet hole in his forehead.

  “Shit.” Nathan reached behind him and grabbed Jen to pull her close. “Back to the house. Now.”

  All Nathan could think about was getting her to safety and calling for help—

  Jen let out a cry as she moved closer to him, looking toward the back of the car.

  “Don’t move.”

  The man stood behind the vehicle, pistol in hand.

  Nathan pushed Jen behind him as Lucas Tanner advanced. He recognized the man from his mug shot.

  The frenzied look in his eyes was new.

  And terrifying.

  Nathan had seen that gaze before.

  A man with nothing to lose.

  “I told him to go away. I gave him a chance to run, and he moved too fast.” Tanner waved the pistol at the house they’d just left. “Back inside. Make a move, and I’ll shoot you.” He glanced around. “Make a noise, and I’ll shoot anyone who pokes their head out.”

  It was early afternoon, and the streets were empty.

  Nathan knew they wouldn’t stay that way for long.

  And as soon as someone caught sight of the dead man—

  The faster they got inside, the less likely any civilians would get caught in the line of fire.

  “Okay. We’ll walk back nice and slow.” He kept himself between Jen and the crazed man as they headed along the street and back up the driveway. “Let’s talk this out. You don’t have to do this.”

  Tanner laughed. “Yes. Yes I do.” He gestured at the front door. “Back inside. Now.”

  Nathan unlocked the front door, keenly aware of Tanner’s full attention on him.

  The armed man waved them inside, keeping the barrel pointed at Jen.

  She glared at Tanner as he swung the door shut, sealing them in the house. “What are you doing?” she snarled. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Shut up.” Tanner slapped her hard with his left hand, sending her reeling against the wall.

  Nathan grabbed her before she fell, biting back a curse.


  Wait for the right time to make your move.

  She caught his eye and nodded.

  She knows.

  “Where’s your basement?” Tanner said to Nathan.

  Nathan glanced at Jen, pulling her close. Her right cheek was already red and swelling.

  “Over there. But—”

  The butt of the pistol smashed into his temple, sending him reeling and silencing him as his mind warred with itself, arguing possible scenarios.

  You could try to take the gun.

  Close quarters. Likely it’ll go off.


  Can’t risk it.

  Not yet.

  Tanner gestured at the door Nathan had pointed out. “I don’t want anyone peeking in the windows.” He pointed at Jen. “You first.”

  Jen opened the door and hesitated, looking back at Tanner.

  “Down.” Tanner snarled as he pushed them in front of him. “Any quick moves, and I will shoot you. Don’t doubt that I will.” His voice rose. “I will.”

  Nathan wasn’t sure if Tanner was referring to Jen or him, but he wasn’t going to take that risk.

  Jen hit the light switch automatically as she stepped onto the first step.

  Nathan followed her slowly down the stairs, feeling the pistol poke him through the leather jacket.

  “Over there by the table. Take your coats off. Both phones on the table,” Tanner ordered. “I see a weapon, I see anything go off, and I shoot someone in the knee.” He grinned. “At this range, I can’t miss.”

  Nathan slowly took out his phone and put it on the table. He slipped his jacket off and placed it on the table as well. Jen did the same, keeping her full attention on Tanner.

  The armed man scooped the coats away from them and tossed them on the floor. It was only then he looked around the room, taking in the odd decorations.

  “What the—” He scowled at the erotic images on the wall.

  Nathan moved forward, readying himself to charge the madman.


  He found himself staring down the pistol barrel.

  “Keep your distance,” Tanner barked. “I’m not stupid. I know you want to take this from me, make yourself look like a good man, a hero. I won’t let you.” The pistol wavered, betraying his tough words.

  Nathan kept his hands up. “Why are you doing this?” He pressed on, keeping himself in front of Jen. “Give me the weapon, and we’ll talk this out, figure a way to make this work. You don’t want to really hurt us, hurt her.” He felt the sweat trickle down his spine, pinning his shirt to his skin.

  I can’t let him leave with Jen.

  I can’t let him stay here with the pistol forever.

  His phone went off, the low chirping noise starting all of them.

  “Son of a—” Tanner glanced at the table where the phone lay, the screen blinking for attention. “Damn phone.”

  It kept ringing.

  “I should answer it,” Nathan said in a low, soft tone. “It’ll look strange if I don’t. I’m a cop. I don’t usually miss phone calls.”

  “Okay.” Tanner wiped his forehead with his free hand. “But you say anything strange, anything out of place, and I’ll shoot you dead where you stand. Put it on speakerphone.” He bobbled the automatic at Nathan’s chest. “I’m not kidding. One wrong move, and I’ll shoot.”

  “I believe you.” Nathan slowly fished the phone out of his pocket and tapped the button, keeping his eyes on Tanner.

  Please let it not be a telemarketer—


  Jen’s eyes went wide as she recognized the voice.


  “Speaking.” Nathan kept his attention on Tanner.

  “I wanted to make sure you were serious about canceling your contract.” The smooth female voice filled the room. “It’s standard procedure for me to check and make sure you understand the implications.”

  “Actually, I’ve changed my mind.” He kept his voice level and casual. “I’d like to schedule another session with Kate. She gives the best massages.” He gave Tanner a wink. “Woman knows how to take orders.”

  “Of course you can have another session.” The shift in Wendy’s tone showed she’d picked up on Nathan’s alarm. “I think she’s available tomorrow at ten. Would that work for you?”

  “Sure.” Nathan grinned, keeping the facade going. “And make sure Evan’s there. He makes the best coffee.”

  “Very true,” Wendy purred. “I’ll let you get back to work. See you soon.”

  The phone went quiet as Nathan cut the link.

  Tanner glared at him. “How many women do you need to rub your damned back? You’ve got this bitch here—” The words trailed off as he stared at the whipping post in the corner.

  Nathan flinched inside. He’d never expected to have anyone down here other than those he invited.

  “Is this for real?” Tanner said as he backed up toward the pillar, keeping the pistol trained on the pair.

  He reached out with his free hand and gingerly touched the slick wood. A wide grin spread across his face. “Are you chaining her up here? Do you smack that sweet little ass when she comes to visit?”

  “What does it look like to you?” Nathan asked.

  Tanner laughed as he gripped one of the leather cuffs hanging from the chain and gave it a hard yank. “I didn’t think you were the kinky type, Jennifer.” He chuckled as she flinched at hearing her name. “Oh yes. Jennifer Lowell. I’ve been hearing that name in my mind for three years.”

  “You blame her for your incarceration,” Nathan said, trying to draw his attention away from Jen.

  “Of course I do.” He touched the prominent ridge on his nose with his free hand. “Bitch broke my nose. Word gets around, and everyone thinks you’re weak, thinks you’ll bend over and take it ’cause a girl took you down.”

  “So when you got out, you thought you’d show her who the real man was.” Nathan gestured at the pistol. “Show her who you really were.”

  Tanner grinned. “Three years. I got clean, and I got in shape, and I got ready.” He licked his lips. “Oh yes. I got ready, and I had a plan for when I got out. Kept my nose clean and kissed all the asses to make early parole.”

  “You had a plan,” Jen repeated. “Why did you hurt Charles and stalk Jake? What part did they have in this ‘plan’?”

  Tanner cocked his head to one side. “Because I wasn’t going to just walk back into the clinic and shoot you. That’d be too fast, too simple. I see you put a guard on now and those damned cameras are there.” He locked eyes with her. “I wanted you to suffer. I wanted you to lose people you cared about, who you loved. Like you did to me when you took my wife away. I wanted to terrorize you, let you feel my hot breath on the back of your neck. Started with your tire. Smashed a few more cars to get warmed up, get ready for the big show. You had no idea it was me.” He laughed.

  Nathan’s stomach lurched.

  He grinned, seeing her stoic expression. “The bomb threat, that was me too. I could have blown you all up. I thought about it. Get me a pressure cooker and all the info online. But I decided to give it to you slow, one bit at a time. So I called in the threat and watched you all scurry around like scared little mice. Then I keyed your car.” He nodded toward the wall. “Did that while you were here, screwing your man all Sunday. Watched you freak out when you got back to your apartment building, running around your car, trying to figure out when it happened.”

  Nathan clenched his jaw, letting the man rant on.

  Draw this out.

  Help is on the way.

  He risked a sideways glance at Jen and saw her expression. Her eyes were wide but focused on Tanner. The muscles in her neck were taut, so tight he imagined they’d snap if he touched her.

  Terrified but holding it together.

  In the middle of the panic building in his heart, he felt a twinge of pride.


  She wasn’t going to let this jackass see how scared she was.

  “Fucking with your mind was my first phase. Taking out your customers was next. Maybe you’d figure
it out, maybe you wouldn’t. Either way, I’d be hurting you. Taking away your business, making you scared about what was going to happen next.” He shrugged. “It wasn’t until after I did the lawyer I realized it would be more fun to see your face while I was doing it, putting the boots to them.” He pointed the pistol at Nathan. “To him.”

  Nathan kept reevaluating the tactical situation, racing through possible scenarios in his mind.

  None of them came out well.

  Too many variables.

  Too much of a chance Jen will get hit if I lunge for the weapon.

  Bide your time.

  “It’s not a very good plan,” Jen said. “You should have come right at me.” She showed him her fists. “Too afraid to face me directly? Coward. Pussy.”

  Nathan flinched inside as Tanner scowled at her.

  I know what you’re doing. Baiting him and hoping he makes a mistake.

  I also know these odds aren’t good.

  “Don’t you call me that.” He pointed the pistol at Nathan’s head, and Nathan saw his finger tighten on the trigger. “Don’t you call me that. I’ll kill him right here in front of you, make you drink his blood before it’s your turn.” He leered. “And I don’t plan to make it fast.”

  “You couldn’t handle your wife. She ran from you. She divorced you after the trial. She wanted nothing more than to be free of you.” Jen’s voice shifted into her command voice, her Domme voice. “The other women at the clinic are gone, but that doesn’t matter to you, because I’m the one who hit you. Put you down like the sick mutt you are.” She kept talking, the tone low but firm. “I have to admit I was terrified years ago, that night you came into the clinic. Almost peed myself. We knew you would be coming. Sharon told us you had a bad temper and weren’t going to let her go that easily.”

  It was as if she was setting a scene, Nathan realized with a start. Using the words to create the scenario in his mind, pull him out of the present.

  Now he hoped she could extend her reach over the crazed man in front of them.

  “You came in all full of piss and vinegar,” she said. “When I realized it was you, I was terrified. Gwen hit the button, and we all waited for the police. But you were too fast, too angry.”