Strictly Business: Hooded Pleasures, Book 1 Read online

Page 27

  “Then let’s get this done as quickly as possible.” He grunted. “Turn around.”

  Kate did so and arched her back, letting the water dribble down her skin.

  Alex drew the washcloth over her back, starting with gentle strokes and squeezing the cloth near her neck to send soap dripping down her front.

  Kate couldn’t hold back a smile at the slow foreplay.

  This had to be killing him.

  The cloth slipped across her nipples with gentle, soft circles, and she gasped, realizing her error.

  This was going to kill her.

  “I love touching my Mistress,” he whispered in her ear as he ran the soapy cloth down over her belly. “I love making her feel good. I love thanking her when she takes care of me.”

  Something prodded the base of her spine. She grinned, knowing the source.

  The cloth slipped lower between her legs before falling from his hand.

  “Sorry,” Alex said in a tone that showed he wasn’t.

  His fingers moved over her torso, dipping into her belly button before sliding down between her thighs. Two fingers carefully parted the light hair there, clearing the way for his middle finger to lightly brush against her core.

  Her knees began to buckle.

  His heated chuckle sent a bolt of lightning from her ear down to her toes as his finger moved down and inside her, slick with her arousal.

  “You have no idea how many times I’ve stood in my shower and imagined doing this.” He licked her earlobe before drawing it into his mouth and brushing against it with his teeth. “How many times—”

  Alex wrapped his arm around her waist to steady her. His knee nudged her from behind, pushing her legs apart to allow him easier access.

  Kate growled something through clenched teeth. She wasn’t sure what she was saying anymore, all her words stolen away by the waves of pleasure vibrating out from her core.



  “For you,” Alex grunted as he increased his pace, now slipping his fingers in and out of her while his thumb danced over her nub, pressing so close to that tiny bundle of nerves she knew would be her undoing.



  Kate rolled her head back against his shoulder, panting as the water fell on the two of them.

  “For my Mistress.”

  He brushed his thumb lightly into the slick folds, just enough to brush against—

  “Give me this.”


  Her world shattered into tiny wet pieces, each with Alex’s indelible touch.

  He couldn’t help but moan as she collapsed against him, her body twitching uncontrollably as he pressed on, wringing every last bit of pleasure he could from her.

  Alex curled around her and let the water splash over them, the warm streams rolling down his back. It hurt, but not as much as when he’d first entered the shower.

  Tremors started in his arms, signaling he wasn’t going to keep this up for much longer.

  He needed to rest and sleep.

  Alex wasn’t going to give in to that until he’d gotten what he wanted and needed.

  He reached around and turned off the taps. The water diminished to a trickle before stopping.

  Kate rolled her head to the side and pressed her lips against his neck.

  “Love you.”

  He almost came right then and there.

  Not yet.

  She gave a sigh and forced herself to stand up, eyes closed. He could feel the laxness in her muscles, the earlier tension shattered by what he hoped would be the first of many orgasms he planned to give her tonight.

  Alex opened the stall door and walked them both out, his arm still around her waist.

  A fresh white towel lay within reach, sitting atop a clothes hamper. He snagged it and began to dry Kate off.

  “I’m okay,” she mumbled in protest.

  “Of course you are. But I want to do this for you.” He knelt down to work on her legs, feeling them tremble.

  I did that.


  Alex was glad she had her eyes closed. If she’d have seen his smug grin, she might—

  Oh shit.

  Kate looked down at him as she placed one hand on his shoulder for balance.

  “And what are you looking so happy about?” The drugged laziness in her voice stoked his ego.

  “Nothing, Mistress. Nothing at all.” He smiled and shook his head like a dog, sending water everywhere.

  Kate laughed and gripped his hair, freezing him in place. She pulled his head back and kissed him hard.

  “Enough of that. My turn.”

  Alex gave her the towel, unable to avoid tensing up as she drew it over his shoulders. The pain had abated to some degree, now reminding him of a bad sunburn.

  He had no illusions it’d be fine by morning. This would take a few days to heal, the reminder of his experience coming back every time he reached for a drink or stretched his arms.

  He couldn’t be happier.

  Kate patted his skin dry. “Pass me the lotion.”

  He saw the slender tube on the sink and gave it to her before dipping his head down again.

  The cool touch startled him even though he knew it was coming. He arched back into her touch as it spread, the throbbing ache lessening to a dull hum under his skin.

  “How does it feel?”

  “Good.” He forced himself to relax as she continued spreading the lotion over his tortured back. “Damned fine stuff.”

  “Matthew has only the best. The towel he gave you had some on it already, helped start the healing process.” Kate wiped her hands on the towel before tossing it atop the hamper. She capped the tube and put it down on the shelf beside her. “We’ll put some more on later. You’ll feel a tinge here and there for the next few days, but you should be able to resume your normal activities.”

  “Activities?” He lifted his head to wink at her. “What sort of activities would you like me to resume?”

  She nodded toward the door. “Smart aleck. The bedroom’s down the hall to the right. I’ll be there in a minute.” Her nose wrinkled. “Got a few things to do here I’d rather do in private.” She took the towel from him and shooed him out.

  Alex took slow, steady steps out of the bathroom and stood there, wondering as the door closed behind him.

  He glanced back, curious if he’d have enough time to look around the rest of her apartment before she joined him.

  At least to find the kitchen and—

  “Bed.” The shout came through the closed door. “I can hear you out there.”

  Alex laughed and took a step. The floorboards creaked.

  That’s how she knew I was standing still.

  He chortled as he made his way to the bedroom.

  No sneaking around in her place.

  Any thoughts of exploring the rest of Kate’s condominium fled as Alex stepped inside the bedroom.

  It was—

  Alex couldn’t hide a smile.


  The posters decorating the walls were of Japanese anime, movies and series he was well acquainted with. A handful of stuffed animals sat in the corner, the master over all being a huge stuffed C’thulhu whose tentacles spread out over the other animals. An old military footlocker sat at the end of the bed, tempting him to inspect the contents.

  Was it where she stashed her toys?

  You’ll find out later.

  He shivered, not from the cool air, but from anticipation.

  Alex pulled his attention away from the possibilities to dwell on the reality.

  The queen-size bed was covered with a thick dark blue comforter, perfect for snuggling under.

  He drew the covers back and folded them at the far end before carefully pulling
the light blue sheets neatly halfway down the bed.

  Alex stood at the foot of the bed and surveyed the mattress, taking note of the size and dimensions.

  Oh yeah.

  “You’re thinking too much again.”

  Alex turned to see Kate standing in the doorway with a sleepy grin. She walked past him to lie down, sprawling across the sheets and giving him a full view of everything he wanted, everything he needed.

  She gave him an impish smile and crooked her finger at him.


  It was an order he was ready and willing to obey.

  Alex was on her in a second, snatching her up and devouring her whole. His lips pressed against hers, eager and hungry.

  “Katherine. My Katherine.” The whisper turned into a growl as he dotted her face with kisses, each growing in intensity.

  She went limp in his arms for a second, taken aback by his ferocity as he held her against him, his weary muscles answering the call. The answering moan drove him on, pushed him past the burning across his shoulders.

  He ignored the pain, answering the desire and need he’d been nurturing for far too long.

  Her hands landed on his shoulders and pushed him back onto the mattress. Alex bit the inside of his cheek, holding back a yelp.

  “Stay still.” Kate’s smirk both warmed and terrified him.

  She slid down the sheets and drew him into her mouth without warning, her hot mouth and tongue bringing him dangerously close to the edge in seconds.

  Alex rose up off the bed, whimpering as she drew her tongue around his cock, humming a jaunty tune as her hand caressed his balls. It was a lethal combination that threatened to snap the last of his self-control.

  Kate drew free with a loud wet pop. “Don’t come.” There was no room for negotiation in her tone. “Don’t come,” she repeated.

  Alex took hold of the sheets, twisting them into knots as she continued licking and teasing him, the moist heat drawing him right to the brink and then backing off again, the gentle torture making him even more aroused, as if that were possible. Kate’s long hair, free and loose, brushed against his thighs, adding to the sensory overload. His back throbbed with the last painful remnants of his flogging, mixing with the pleasure she was giving him.

  Finally she pulled up with a last soggy kiss.

  Alex moaned in relief as she pulled herself up alongside him again.

  “Very good.” She patted his stomach and nodded. “Now—”

  Alex growled as he grabbed her and flipped over, changing their positions.

  “My turn.” He paused. “Where’s my clothing?”

  She frowned, gesturing to the floor. “Over there.”

  “Good. Hold on.” He scrambled to find his pants and the condoms inside.

  Alex held up one triumphantly displaying the Boots ‘n’ Chains logo.

  Kate giggled. “I bet I can guess where you got that from.”

  “Them.” He smirked as he tore the packet open and rolled the condom on. “I don’t plan on letting any go to waste.”

  Any response she was about to make disappeared as he joined her on the bed again, his long slick length pressing against her thighs. He kissed her hard before reaching down between them to wriggle between her legs and unerringly find that spot again, her body no longer a mystery. She was wet and ready for him, and Alex let out a needy grunt as he brought his hand back up to the small of her back, pulling her up even as he slowly drove into her, thick and heavy with need and want.

  His leisurely strokes were a startling contrast to the frantic movements she’d coaxed from him earlier. Now it was her turn to shift restlessly under him, raise her hips in an attempt to make him move faster, deliver her into that ecstasy she’d tasted earlier.

  “Oh no,” Alex whispered as he nipped her earlobe again. “Slow and steady this time. Slow and steady.” He punctuated every third syllable with his hip movement, the rhythm driving her insane.

  “Alex,” she warned, the tension building in her like a coiled snake about to strike.

  “Katherine,” he answered, the last of his self-control almost in shreds.


  Kate gasped, and it almost undid the last of Alex’s willpower, the low hum from her lips tickling his ears to the point of agony. She wrapped herself around him, hands resting on his hips.

  Kate thrashed on the sheets, bucking against him with perfect synchronicity. She smelled of the fresh soap he’d lathered her up with earlier, now mixed with the sweet sweat they’d both created.

  “Alex.” She exhaled his name with such reverence it brought him to tears. One hand moved to grab his hair. “Alex.” Her tone sharpened, her frustration growing with every second.

  He growled with each stroke, feeling the breaking point charging at him like a raging bull. She moved with him and against him, drawing him into her so deep and so tight, he thought he’d spontaneously combust.

  Which would have been fine with him.

  Kate clutched at him, arching back with such energy, he thought she’d snap in half.

  Or break him into pieces.

  “Now,” he grunted.

  It was a plea, a promise and an order in one agonizing word forced out through gritted teeth.

  “Now.” The strained answer snapped him in two.

  He roared and let himself go, falling into the sweet heat even as she screamed in his ear, joining him in his release.

  Kate blinked herself awake and watched the sunbeam creep across the floor, sneaking toward the bed.

  Her sleepy mind shuffled through various responses to the man spooning against her, his soft breath warm on the back of her neck. She wasn’t sure how to put it into words, the emotions clogging her mind and robbing her of the ability to speak.

  It’d been a long night, an amazing night. They’d made love another two times, slower and gentler than that first frantic coupling. Finally, she’d dozed off to his light kisses on her shoulder, his arms tight around her as he rocked her to sleep.

  One basic truth came through loud and clear.

  She was happier after one night with Alex than she’d ever been with Carl.

  That single emotion kept her frozen in place as Alex caressed her hip, fingers dancing along her skin.

  “Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” she automatically answered. “How’s your back feeling?”

  She felt him arch against her with a chuckle. “Not too bad. Should patent that lotion. I bet there’s a lot of people who’d pay good money for it.”

  “Matthew probably has,” she replied. “I can put more on if you need it.”

  He snuggled closer, his lips on her neck. “I could go for that.” His tone changed. “Damn. Is that the time?”

  “What?” Kate looked over at the digital clock on her night table. “Wow.” She frowned, not comprehending for a second what she was seeing. “Two in the afternoon.” She laughed. “You did say afternoon.”

  “Yes. Yes, I did.” The note of pride in his voice made her laugh again. “But I just remembered I’ve got work to do. And unfortunately, it’s not with you.” His hand remained on her hip as if to counter his statement.

  “Work,” Kate repeated.

  “Yeah. Sorry. I’m on deadline for the newest Game Thrasher expansion. The patch has a release date of Friday, and I’ve got to run the final checks.”

  Kate rolled over to face him. “Tell me you’ve fixed the problem with the dire rats.”

  “What problem?” He kissed her, tangling his fingers in her hair.

  Kate sighed, caught between temptation and the need to complain. “On the first level, if you have more than five of them in a single encounter, you can slaughter them with one blow and save energy. A lovely exploit, but hardly fair. It’s a small thing that doesn’t really get the player much, b
ut still something that you should fix.”

  He frowned. “Didn’t know. I’ll check it out when I get home.”

  “Hmm.” Kate stretched her arms up over her head. “Any chance you can do some of your work here?” She brought her hand down to play with the light hair on his chest, brushing over his left nipple with her fingernail. “I believe you said something about all day.”

  “Something like that.” He grunted as her hand slipped lower to find him ready and willing, already weeping at the tip. “Maybe you can come back to my place and help me on the trial runs, make sure I’ve got everything perfect. Be an excellent way to verify that I’ve gotten all the bugs out. Keep me on the straight and narrow.”

  Kate smirked as he gasped under her touch. “I can do that. And if you’re a good boy and finish early, I might bring you back here and reward you.” Her eyes darted toward the bottom of her bed and the footlocker.

  Alex’s eyes went wide, partially from the offer and partially from her squeezing his cock. “I’m feeling the incentive.”

  “Good.” She paused, her body tingling from the night’s memories. “Get dressed and go. I’ll come on over when I’ve had a bit more sleep.” She slapped his ass as he moved. “Go.”

  Alex grinned and climbed out of bed. She allowed herself a satisfied grin seeing the stripes on his back, the stiffness in his shoulders.


  “Hold on.” Her command froze him in place.

  Kate sat up, propping herself up against the headboard. “You need more lotion on your back before you go anywhere.” She smiled. “And I feel the need to shower.”

  “Ah.” Alex stretched out his hand. “May I help my Mistress with this?”

  “Yes.” She reached for him. “And then you can go home and work. Until I come over, and then it’ll be time to play.”

  Alex laughed. “Yes, Mistress.” He took her hand and bent down to kiss her. “My Mistress. My Katherine.”


  Kate looked around the living room. It seemed like a thousand years since she’d sat here with a timid young man delivering his first submissive experience.